Monday, November 22, 2010

The Hill

Where ever I go, I manage to end up living on a hill. At camp, I have lived on "The Hill" for the past three summers. At CITYterm, the dorms were on the top of a huge hill. In New Zealand, I had to walk up a short but steep hill to get to my apartment. And finally, in Australia, I lived in the neighborhood of Newcastle called, "The Hill."

You may be curious as to what all of these extremely different places have in common besides hills to complain about. Well...all of these places have hills that I have struggled to reach at the beginning. The first day, the hill is hard to get up, but I'm not going to complain. But on the second and third days, the hill gets steeper and steeper, becoming a dreaded part of my day. After a week or so of struggling and heavy breathing, the hill becomes a tiny slope, and eventually equal to flat land.

At camp, I always manage to struggle during my first week (despite the fact that I have been going for eleven summers). But eventually, the hill becomes flat, and I have amazing and unforgettable experiences. At CITYterm, I thought I had never walked up such a steep hill in my life, but it gradually became easier (especially when I took a taxi up!) to walk up. In New Zealand, the hill was small, and took only a day or two to overcome. The hill in Australia...well it was long. But eventually, I made it to the top without the shortness of breath.

What I am trying to say is that despite the struggles that I experienced during my time in New Zealand and Australia, it was worth the hundreds of laughs and amazing friendships that I developed with people from all around the world. I will never forget these memories, both the good and the bad.

My trip back to the United States was long, but went well. I slept for eight hours out of fourteen on the flight back to Los Angeles, and was eager for all of the six hours back to New York. When I finally saw Mom and Dad at baggage claim at JFK, I was ecstatic...we were ecstatic. I was greeted with tears, a balloon, and an egg bagel. I couldn't have asked for anything better.

Three days have passed since I left Australia. I am lacking sleep because of the severe time difference and trying to readjust to being without friends 24/7. I am glad to be home, but I miss all of my friends and life Down Under. On the other hand, I am excited to go to Boston on Wednesday to see some camp and CITYterm friends, and of course, my brother. Just another hill.

Until next time...

Some Costa Rican adventures to come!

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